Pop Up Performance!

Peace Dance for Mother Earth and Her Children

A prayer, a performance, a moment to honor beauty
Cynthia Winton-Henry

Oakland, CA

Saturday, December 12, 2015 • 7–8:30 pm

InterPlay co-founder Cynthia Winton-Henry presents a pop-up performance honoring Mother Earth on Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 7pm, joined by amazing singers–Renee Wilson, Soyinka Rahim, and Mothersong's Joya Winwood. at InterPlayce in Oakland.

InterPlayers who care about Mother Earth and Humanity are coming from as far north as the Anderson Valley to focus on the art of "WE!" Take this perfect opportunity to take a breather, drink in beauty and hope, and re-dedicate yourself to Mother Earth through artful, peaceful actions that serve up health, dignity, and happiness.

Find hope in community! Come to participate or just to witness!

Cost: $10-20 sliding scale to attend the performance

Registration/Information: 510-465-2797 or info@interplay.org to sign up to participate



2273 Telegraph Avenue (at 23rd St.)
Oakland, CA 94612
InterPlayce is the center of the InterPlay universe. The offices for Body Wisdom, Inc. are also located here. The building is at the corner of 23rd and Telegraph, one block north of West Grand. It is just a few blocks from the 19th Street Downtown Oakland BART station, and on several convenient bus lines. On-street parking is always available at night and metered during the day. It is also easily accessible by several of the major freeways. Click here for a map.
Cynthia Winton-Henry
Cynthia Winton-Henry, co-founder of InterPlay with Phil Porter, has researched "what the body wants" in the arts, in jails, shelters, slums, hospitals, churches, businesses, classrooms, doctoral programs in theology and the arts, and in multicultural education. She develops somatic curriculums to address racism, leadership for the Earth, and spiritual intelligence with an eye to supporting millennials. A featured speaker on the Body Intelligence Summit and a keynoter at conferences, Cynthia is the author of What the Body Wants, Having It All: Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit Together Again at Last; Dance - A Sacred Art: Discovering the Joy of Movement as Spiritual Practice, Chasing the Dance of Life: A Faith Journey, and The Art of Ensoulment: A Playbook on How to Create From Body and Soul.. Check out her writing, The Dancing Center, on Substack, her Hidden Monastery Online Dance Chapels and courses for those seeking spiritual intelligence for our time at cynthiawinton-henry.com.

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